25 sept.

God Is An Astronaut live la Brasov

Brasov , Brasov. Miercuri 3 Octombrie 2018 20:00

Grupul irlandez God Is An Astronaut revine in Romania, parte a turneului european pentru promovarea noului album, Epitaph, concertand in data de 3 octombrie la Kruhnen Musik Halle, in Brasov.
Cunoscuta pentru concertele live intense, cu un deosebit accent pe partea vizuala, God Is An Astronaut este deseori considerata o capodopera muzicala a genului post-rock, imbinand elemente distincte cu pasaje Krautrock si space rock.

Iar inca de la debutul trupei acum 16 ani, acest trio irlandez a devenit rapid recunoscut drept parte din elita trupelor instrumentale, construind un peisaj sonor dominat de pasaje intense, dinamice cu un univers muzical emotional, melodic.

Fiecare lansare discografica a insemnat propria calatorie sonica, iar al noualea album, Epitaph, este descris drept o progresie a acestei calatorii, in acelasi timp pastrand elementele ce au definit God Is An Astronaut in toti acesti ani. Coperta este semnata de artistul francez, Fursy Teyssier.

‘The opening title track ‘Epitaph’ sets the album`s mood. There is pain and loss at work here, but not pain and loss that are given in to. Sparse piano motifs face energetic rhythms, shimmering guitar coatings, and eruptions of dense fury breathe life into a journey of melancholic longing: there is the release experienced when a troubled existence ends in ‘Mortal Coil‘ followed by the sombre foreshadowing that is ‘Winter Dusk/Awakening‘.The album changes direction slightly with ‘Seánce Room’ and the music on this highway is taking you someplace meaningful and special –someplace where near and farblur and stars weep over tragedies.’

Biletele sunt disponibile online via Iabilet,ro, in retea nationala si local la Rockstadt si Kruhnen Musik Halle:

Early bird – 35 de lei (pret valabil in primele doua saptamani)
Presale – 45 de lei
Doors – 55 de lei

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